05 oktober 2007

morgonkaffe och en liten mackejäkel

Lite ur Desirees http://dvontell.blogspot.com/ härliga lista....såhär på morgonkvisten.

You know you’ve been in the US too long when...

8. When you find it normal to have two or more Christmas trees.
9. When you decorate your Christmas tree with so many decorations you can hardly see the tree.
10. When Christmas decorations means covering your entire yard with Christmas stuff and lights.
11. When you think of Christmas as the 25: th of December instead of the 24: th.
12. When you think Swedes have way too much vacation.
13. When it is necessary to always have your TV on when you are home no matter what.
14. When having less than 3 TVs is too little.
15. When you understand most of the rules of football or baseball.
16. When football is football and not soccer to you in your mind.
17. When you have at least 10 different credit cards.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Stenbitsrom....? Och så tyckte vi faktiskt att sojan var ovanligt salt och ovanligt blaskig samt mindre söt.....?

Ha en skön fredag och helg!!!!

Anonym sa...

Uppfyller punkt 14 med 3 TV trots att vi är bara 2. Är dock lite nyfiken på punkterna 1-7, har de fallit bort ;-)